Mental health education to empower your Workplace.

MindSpot Learning empowers your leaders to create happier, more productive, and healthy lives for your employees with effective workplace mental health strategies.

  • Empower your workforce to address mental health issues in your organisation.
  • Increase employee motivation, satisfaction, productivity, safety, and retention.
  • Tailored education by qualified, experienced mental health professionals.
  • Understand mental health and psychosocial hazards in your workplace.
Start your journey to better mental health today!

Download our FREE workplace
Mental Health Audit Tool.


    Mental Health Journey Australia is proud to be a part of the following industry organisations.

    The future-proof plan to greater employee satisfaction and improved productivity.

    Mental health plays a key role in employee satisfaction, productivity, safety, and retention. By educating your workforce about mental health, your organisation will have a better understanding of what it means, how it impacts your business, and how to identify and address mental health issues.

    Mental health education is important to future-proof your organisation and empower your leaders to build resilient workers who lead healthier, happier, more productive lives.

    State and Federal legislation requires organisations to implement strategies to deal with mental health. Our FREE Mental Health Audit Tool will help you assess if your business complies with your mental health responsibilities.

    Legislation varies between States so please visit the Safe Work Australia website for more information about health and safety laws and regulations in your State.

    Benefits of mental health education

    Mental health is important for the wellbeing and productivity of your workforce. Mental health education is a great way to shine a light on mental health and empower workers to understand and identify mental health issues in your workplace and at home.

    Tackling mental health head-on will lead to positive outcomes for your organisation and assist in creating a comfortable workplace environment that encourages health and wellbeing.

    Investing in mental health education helps to build an atmosphere of understanding and collaboration, offering many benefits for your organisation, including:

    • Improved interpersonal relationships
    • Reduction in anxiety and frustration
    • Better moods and clearer thinking
    • Higher levels of productivity
    • Greater employee loyalty
    • Increased quality of work
    • Reduction in sick leave
    • Lower staff turnover

    Psychosocial hazards - taking the first step to mental health.

    You manage your physical risks but what about your mental health risks? Psychosocial hazards affect organisations all over Australia and are a key contributing factor to mental health incidents in the workplace.

    Identifying psychosocial hazards in your business is the first step on your journey to achieving a mentally healthy workplace.

    Understanding psychosocial hazards helps your leaders recognise mental health issues impacting your employees and develop effective management strategies to ensure their ongoing mental health. Download our FREE Mental Health Audit Tool to help you determine if psychosocial hazards are being identified and controlled in your workplace. If you find they are not, get in touch with us to help you start your organisation’s mental health journey.

    Creating a stigma-free culture.

    Mental health is difficult for people to talk about. People suffering mental illness often feel isolated and uncomfortable communicating their situation to other people.

    These concerns are amplified in an environment where mental health is not understood, or where mental illness is seen as a sign of weakness or a lack of commitment.

    Breaking down the stigma of mental illness is the first step to rebuilding your work culture to create a mentally healthy workplace. MindSpot Learning aims to help your leaders understand mental health and empower them to confidently create plans, systems, and processes to deal with mental health and the stigma surrounding mental illness in your workplace.

    Tailored programs for your business.

    Our programs cover a variety of mental health topics, including:

    • Understanding what mental health and mental illness are
    • Diet and nutrition and how that affects mental health
    • Poorly managed relationships (at work and at home)
    • Understanding and controlling psychosocial hazards
    • Recovering from Mental Illness
    • Medications and their effects
    • Stigma and how to address it
    • Dealing with aggression
    • Suicide
    • And many more….

    What you get

    Our workshops teach your leaders and employees to understand mental health and psychosocial hazards in the workplace. We help you identify and assess colleagues who may be susceptible to a mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis.

    Through our workshops, your organisation will receive the following:

    • Guided practical training on identifying, risk assessing, and controlling psychosocial hazards
    • An understanding of the role of mental health specialists in your workplace
    • Personal training by highly qualified mental health specialists
    • An on-hand mental health manual with guided resources
    • Certificate of Attendance for workshop completion

    Let's get started with your
    mental health journey today

    Is your business compliant with mental health responsibilities?

    Find out how MindSpot Learning can help your organisation with our tailored mental health education programs. Please fill in the form and we will be in touch.

    • Empower your workforce to address mental health issues in your organisation.
    • Increase employee motivation, satisfaction, productivity, safety, and retention.
    • Tailored education by qualified, experienced mental health professionals.
    • Understand mental health and psychosocial hazards in your workplace.
    Start your journey to better mental health today!

    Download our FREE workplace
    Mental Health Audit Tool.