Redefining Support : A Person-Centered Behaviour Intervention

In 2021, the World Health Organization spotlighted the pivotal role of mental health—a global call to prioritize our well-being. In Australia alone, approximately 1 in every 5 people in the age span of 16–85 years has some form of mental disorder every year (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022). Such alarming rates should turn heads at a speed faster than it is. Workplace mental health is one such concern.

With most of us spending around 30+ hours a week at work, our youths almost get sucked into making a living. So being happy in a place you spend a huge chunk of your life is important.

On the flip side, a company’s greatest asset is its employees; they bring in financial and business growth. So their well-being at work should be in focus. A healthy workplace isn’t just about ergonomic chairs, cosy workspaces and quarterly bonuses. Investing in mental health at work is a strategic move to build a resilient, high-engaging and high-performing workforce. In that light, a person-centred, customized behaviour support program can contribute a great deal to your workplace mental wellness.

What is the Behaviour Support Program?

As the name suggests, a behaviour support program will analyze the present behaviours of a person, the flaws and the positive changes that are needed to change the behaviour of a person.

It is a well-structured, comprehensive program that supports disabilities, mental health challenges, or behavioural issues in a person. The team of a behaviour support program usually consists of analysts, psychologists, counsellors, educators, and therapists.

Such programs are common in schools, workplaces, residential communities and more. Our behaviour support program is uniquely tailored for adults in offices and firms, to help them step up their real potential.

Mission and Vision

As the brainchild of experts in the mental wellness industry, our mission and vision statements are clear.

Our mission is to provide end-to-end customized behaviour support that respects individual dignity and fosters independence, safety, and well-being.

We envision a future where every individual receives effective and compassionate behaviour support, enabling them to live fulfilling lives, work efficiently and contribute to their communities.

By focusing on promoting mental health in the workplace, and addressing all psychosocial hazards, productivity will be increased thanks to reduced absenteeism and a lower staff turnover.

Reducing work-related risk factors will improve employee wellbeing, and happier staff will have a stronger mental state that brings with it more confidence, the ability for self-actualisation, and a willingness to work smarter and harder.


We strive to support your mental well-being at work through four clear steps. Here is a quick walkthrough of our services.


Person-Centred Approach

  • Supporting Daily Living Activities: Assist individuals in maintaining their daily living activities according to organizational guidelines, legal requirements, and personalized behaviour support plans.
  • Considering Individual Needs: Take into account the unique needs, strengths, capabilities, and preferences of each individual when engaging in daily activities and routines.
  • Identifying Challenges: Recognize obstacles in engaging or motivating individuals and seek support from relevant parties.
  • Creating Safe Environments: Establish safe environments that promote positive and adaptive responses from individuals.


Review of Behavior Context

  • Identifying Concerning Behaviors: Recognize behaviours outlined in the individualized behaviour support plan.
  • Analyzing Behavior Context: Examine events before, during, and after concerning behaviours to understand triggers and patterns.
  • Understanding Triggers: Identify the type, frequency, and triggers of behaviours.
  • Assessing Environmental Factors: Recognize how environmental factors influence behavior.
  • Considering Emotional Well-being: Understand how the emotional well-being of individuals affects their behaviour.
  • Evaluating Health Status: Assess the individual’s health status and potential unmet needs impacting behaviour.
  • Assessing Medication Impacts: Recognize the effects of medication on behavior.
  • Understanding Personal and Social Circumstances: Consider the personal and social circumstances influencing behaviour.
  • Accurate Documentation: Record observations promptly, accurately, and objectively, using clear and understandable terms in consultation with supervisors.


Positive Behaviour Support Implementation

  • Collaborative Interventions: Work with individuals to establish interventions for addressing concerning behaviours, including using restrictive practices when necessary for safety.
  • Interpreting Strategies: Understand and implement behavioural support strategies in collaboration with individuals.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Ensure that all interventions align with the personalized plan and organizational policies.
  • Ensuring Safety: Adhere to organizational policies and procedures to maintain the safety of individuals, staff, and others.
  • Responding to Incidents: React to critical incidents according to organizational protocols for intervention and notification.
  • Monitoring Effectiveness: Monitor the effectiveness of strategies in consultation with supervisors.
  • Reporting Changes: Recognize and report changes in the individual’s needs and behaviours in consultation with them and supervisors.
  • Referral Procedures: Follow organizational protocols for referrals in consultation with supervisors.


Documentation Completion

  • Reporting Procedures: Complete reports following organizational guidelines and procedures.
  • Document Maintenance: Maintain and store documentation as per organizational policies.

Record Access : Ensure compliance with individuals’ rights to access their records.

How is Our Program Different From the Rest?

As a behaviour support program exclusively designed for corporate work cultures and more, we help boost the efficiency of your company by 10X. How?

By building a mentally healthy and happy workforce who can dedicate 100% of their energy to growing your business, here’s how we stand outt:

  • We employ a research-driven strategy to educate employees, team leaders, and managers on behaviour modification and associated attitudes
  • We aim to improve individual effectiveness and performance through tailored-made strategies at each level.
  • Our training methodology encompasses outbound, in-house, online, and virtual learning platforms to impart behaviour skills effectively.
  • We review every step before proceeding to the next to help you heal and recover substantially.
  • Our aftercare is unique to the program. We do not leave you where the program ends. You can reach out for assistance as a family at any point in time.

Behaviour Support Programs with Us

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first; it means me too.” – L.R. Knost


Fostering mental wellness in the office environment is super important for the success and satisfaction of employees. Happy employees make the best investment for the company’s success.

Our four-step approach aims to empower you on your mental wellness journey, providing tailored support and resources. We help show you results with real statistics, analytical insights and documented articles.

Take the first step towards prioritizing your mental well-being today. Reach out to our team to learn more about how our four-step approach can benefit you and your colleagues. Your mental wellness matters, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Contact Us


Dr Deepa Eby

Dr Shivangi Gupta


+ 0481 225 533


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